
In Valgañón Abogados we can say that, thanks to the leadership of our founding partners, we have created a great family. From talent, commitment and empathy. Features that fully describe all the people that make up our team of professionals. A team that was born from a small nucleus and that today gains strength with the impeccable work of all its members, who help the firm to reach new clients in any corner of the world, and to reach new goals. To operate on a macro level without losing the essence and the valuable idiosyncrasy of the micro. From the small and the near.

We are surrounded by talent. The guaranteed knowledge and training of our professionals, in each of their respective fields, paves the way to finding solutions for our clients. Of fast and effective answers. Sparing no means or investment of time. We are proud to continue to fulfil years of service, and to expand our experiences with a dynamic team that is skilfully led, and that never lets down their guard. That never gives up, no matter how complex the case they face.

Your degree of commitment to the clientèle is unquestionable. They make their own problems and become allies and friends. The ability to empathize is thus another of the great virtues of the team of Valgañón Lawyers. To this is added the ability to detect with great precision -the fruit of depth of analysis of the law and, the close relationship with the client- what a person, or company, needs at each moment, and thus provide the solution that best suits their interests. M Ángeles

Mª de los Ágeles Domínguez

Mª Ángeles Domínguez

Mª Ángeles Domínguez

Founding Partner
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Álvaro Valgañón

Álvaro Valgañón

Álvaro Valgañón

Founding Partner
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(+34) 91 7450032

(+34) 948 223824